Monday, 12 November 2012

Make Your Copy Of Window 7 Genuine

Microsoft, in a rather brilliant move, has released an update that checks your OS serial against a list of known leaked serials (corporate edition keys, etc). If your serial matches one of them then it puts a darling little message on the bottom right hand of your login screen, and also a system tray icon that nags you to buy a genuine copy of windows.
It will also pop up a dialog that says “This copy of Windows is not Genuine”
“This copy of Windows is not genuine and you have not yet resolved this issue. This computer is no longer eligible to receive select security upgrades from Microsoft.

So, if you facing such errors i am here to help you solving that. You can also use this trick to make your copy of window if you have lost your licence key.

So follow these simple steps:
1: Just  this small tool.
2: Extract the zip file
3: Now Install Window Loader.exe
4: Under Installation click "Install".
5: Now Restart your machine.
6: Now Right Click "Computer" -> "Properties" go down and check your window status.
7: Done...Your window 7 copy is now genuine.

AuthorAuthor - My name is Deepak Sah and I am the owner of Ezine Bloggers I am just a techie who likes to share my ideas with you. I am having interests in gaming and exploring new tricks in computer and mobile phones. Now I am working on creating poker tricks. I am interested in doing SEO also.